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I'm an electronics engineer. From 2000 until 2010 I designed RF
chips to go into mobile phones (cellphones).
I was able to
write one paper on my work:
ISSCC 2007 paper 19.1 Direct-Conversion WCDMA Transmitter with
163dBc/Hz Noise at 190MHz
abstract) (Full Text PDF)
(Slides PDF)
Although I don't like the patent system, I am named as an inventor
in few patents.
Some of the chips for which I designed circuitry include the AD6541,
AD6547, MT6160 and MT6161 and ADF4602
Getting Kicad PCBs manufactured
by Lintek
Here is my 555 contest entry.
Here's a video of a magnetic levitation
circuit that I built.
Here is a video of a Lorenz Attractor
circuit that I found on the internet and built (and another copy of
that video).
Here is a video about the electrostatic
experiments that can be done with MOS input op-amps.
Probably the best thing might be to use my twitter ID to contact me,
. or
you could email me at